International Conference on Social Work and Research (ICSWR-25)
16th - 17th September 2025 Sydney, Australia
Call For Paper
A Generic or Specialist Social Work Education
Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Social Work Curricula
Historical research on social work, social services, social welfare, and social justice
International Dimension in Social Work Education
Knowledge, Skills and Values of Social work
Reflecting on Social Work Teaching Methods
Research and evaluation of social work practice and service delivery, including organizations, decision making, community practice, and policy practice
Research on social work and social policy, social justice, diversity, inequalities, resistance and social change
Research on social work education and pedagogy
Research on social work participants, cultures and contexts, including comparative research
Research on the role of history, media, and memory in social work
Social work research methodologies and theory building
Social Work Research on Practice and Education
Teaching Social Work and Social work Education in time of Crisis