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Multi-format (In-person/Virtual)
International Conference on Agroforestry: Forestry and Agriculture (ICAFA-25)
31st - 1st June 2025
Kumasi, Ghana
For Paper
Agroforestry and Food Security
Agroforestry for Health and Nutrition (AIDS/HIV)
Agroforestry in Semiarid Regions
Agroforestry Science and Education
Biophysical Interactions
Carbon Sequestration and Environmental Benefits
Climate Change
Ecological Basis of Agroforestry
Economic Analysis
Enhancement of the Environment and Landscape
Food Security
Gender and Agroforestry Adoption in Africa
Improvement of Rural Livelihoods
Land and Tree Tenure and Management of Agroforestry
Local Agroforestry Knowledge in Global Context
Managing Genetic Diversity
Mechanization in Agroforestry
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Policy, Social, and Institutional Issues
Scaling up of Agroforestry Benefits
Short-rotation Woody Crops, Phytoremediation
Small Farm Soil Fertility Management Strategies
Tree Domestication
Trees and Markets
Trees in Fragmented Landscapes
Tropical Homegardens
Valuation of Environmental Benefits
Water Issues
Presentation Guidelines