Multi-format (In-person/Virtual)
International Conference on Education and New Developments (IC-END-25)
25th - 26th April 2025 Brussels, Belgium
Administrative advocacy, policy and procedure development
Building Future Education: inertias and innovations
Childrens Rights in Education
Collaborative Practices and inclusion
Contributions of virtual, digital, assistive technologies and educational resources to equity and inclusion
Delivery services
Developing inclusive education systems
Disability rights
Distance learning
Early intervention
Education, family, school and community partnerships
Emotional, behavioral and social development
Equalisation of opportunity
Equity and inclusion outside the school's walls
Helping Students with Learning Difficulties
Inclusion and Exclusion in Education and Society
Inclusion and integration on Special Education
Inclusion and participation
Inclusion in Early Childhood Education
Inclusive and Supportive Education
Inclusive Education of Special Needs
Inclusive Education: supporting inclusion, challenging exclusion
Inclusive schooling
Innovative approaches to promote education for all
International, national and local policies promoting equity and inclusion
Life transitions
Lifelong learning
Perspectives on Inclusive and Special Education
Professional roles and ethics in special education
School organization, curriculum and evaluation for equity and inclusion
Service learning
Special and Inclusive Education
Special Education and Education Reform
Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education
Special Needs Education: Access and Quality
Support services
Teacher and professional development
Teacher leadership
Teacher training world-wide
Technology and society
The right of children with disabilities to education