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Multi-format (In-person/Virtual)
International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition (ICRTIPPR-25)
8th - 9th March 2025
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
For Paper
Software tools for imaging
Image-based modeling and algorithms
Illumination and reflectance modeling
Motion and tracking algorithms + orientation estimation
Biometric authentication
Event recognition techniques in image sequences
Medical image processing and analysis
Image geometry and multi-view geometry
Segmentation techniques
Geometric modeling and fractals
Scene and object modeling
Image data structures and databases
Image compression, coding, and encryption
Image display techniques
Digital imaging for film and television
Image formation techniques
Image generation, acquisition, and processing
Image feature extraction
Novel document image understanding techniques + OCR
Enhancement techniques
Novel noise reduction algorithms
Mathematical morphology
3D imaging
Watermarking methods and protection
Wavelet methods
Wavelets, data hiding, image copyright and related issues
Mosaic, image registration and fusion methods
Color and texture
AI, machine learning, SVT with applications in imaging science
Image restoration
Printing technologies
Interpolation techniques
Shape representation
Video analysis
Indexing and retrieval of images (image databases)
Signal and speech processing
Object recognition
Multi-resolution vision techniques
Face recognition, face detection, and gesture recognition
Stereo vision
Soft computing methods in image processing and vision
Machine learning technologies for vision
Performance analysis and evaluation (real-time vision)
Camera networks and vision
Sensors and early vision
Active and robot vision
Cognitive and biologically inspired vision
Fuzzy and neural techniques in vision
Graph theory in image processing and vision
Special-purpose machine architectures for vision
Dimensionality reduction methods in pattern recognition
Classification and clustering techniques
Symbolic learning
Statistical pattern recognition
Invariance in pattern recognition
Knowledge-based recognition
Presentation Guidelines